
Christians are called to move far beyond mere friendliness and engage in active acts of intentional hospitality.

The Prodigal could find no hospitality until he returned home; his older brother could not bring himself to offer hospitality. Both missed the love and grace that was poured out by the extravagant hospitality of the father.

As human beings, we have all experienced loneliness and rejection when wonderfully friendly people are so engrossed with their friends that they do not notice the stranger in their midst.

As children of God, we know the extravagant hospitality of God’s love and grace.

As Christians, we are called to share the hospitality we have received.

Hospitality (July 12, 2009)


It is all too easy to see scarcity all around us. We never seem to have enough. Life in Christ offers a radically different view: God’s abundance overflows for the earth and all who make their home here.

We explore the Parable of the Sower, Psalm 24:1, and the call of Peter as lessons in abundant living.

Abundance (November 15, 2009)

1 of 10

Lives of those who are outcasts of society are transformed by Jesus proclamation of God’s extravagant and unconditional acceptance. 10 Samaritan lepers – rejected because of ethnic identity and rejected because of disfiguring disease – 10 are healed and Jesus proclaims them clean and acceptable to God and to the people of God.

Only one accepts a transformed life, returns to glorify God and express gratitude to Jesus.

Today we think of members of the gay community with aids. Rejected for their sexual orientation – rejected for their disease. How many return to the very church that has rejected them over and over again? We may understand the reasons that only one came back and glorified God.

1 of 10 (November 1, 2009)


Few can argue of the importance of reconciliation for those of us who follow Jesus Christ. Paul writes that we are called to a ministry of reconciliation. But can we be reconcilers without first being reconciled – with God – with ourselves – with others.

Perhaps the most important, yet most difficult part of a mission and ministry of reconciliation is honest self reflection. We confess our part in breaking the relationship and accept ourselves as fully forgiven by God and by our own deepest spirit. Only then are we set free from the guilt and shame and burden of responsibility for our own sins through forgiveness.

First take the log out of your own eye, and then take on the task of removing the speck from the other.

Reconciliation – a vocation and calling as important to Christian mission as Social Justice and Christian Charity.

Reconciliation (October 18, 2009)


“What do you mean by ‘justice?’” The question came from a member of the Bible Study class. We were discussing the relationship of Christian Mission to ministries of justice. This Sermon is one response to that question.


Jesus’ central message was one of change and transformation – not just of individuals, but of societies. “Repent,” he proclaimed. Change your way of life. God wants something different than the world as you find it. “The Kingdom of God is in your midst,” he went on. A society based on love, compassion, peace, goodwill among all people, and equality of access to God’s benevolence and grace.


To do justice is to join with Jesus in proclaiming the social transformation necessary for God’s Kingdom to be realized “on earth as it is in heaven.” The mission of justice is nothing less that engaging in social activism that promotes health, welfare, safety and peace for all of God’s creatures. It is joining with God in Jesus Christ to work for the common good.

Justice (October 4, 2009)

Tipping Point

It’s the little things that make the biggest difference in life. At some point, one more drop of water, one more grain of sand tip the scale and everything changes. While our individual participation or contribution to the church may not seem like much, it may be that little bit extra that tips the scales and transforms our church into a thriving, giving, community worthy of being called the Body of Christ. We explore some of the small ways our small contributions can make a huge difference.

Tipping Point (November 23, 2008)