“What do you mean by ‘justice?’” The question came from a member of the Bible Study class. We were discussing the relationship of Christian Mission to ministries of justice. This Sermon is one response to that question.


Jesus’ central message was one of change and transformation – not just of individuals, but of societies. “Repent,” he proclaimed. Change your way of life. God wants something different than the world as you find it. “The Kingdom of God is in your midst,” he went on. A society based on love, compassion, peace, goodwill among all people, and equality of access to God’s benevolence and grace.


To do justice is to join with Jesus in proclaiming the social transformation necessary for God’s Kingdom to be realized “on earth as it is in heaven.” The mission of justice is nothing less that engaging in social activism that promotes health, welfare, safety and peace for all of God’s creatures. It is joining with God in Jesus Christ to work for the common good.

Justice (October 4, 2009)

Any thoughts? Love to hear from you.