
Christians are called to move far beyond mere friendliness and engage in active acts of intentional hospitality.

The Prodigal could find no hospitality until he returned home; his older brother could not bring himself to offer hospitality. Both missed the love and grace that was poured out by the extravagant hospitality of the father.

As human beings, we have all experienced loneliness and rejection when wonderfully friendly people are so engrossed with their friends that they do not notice the stranger in their midst.

As children of God, we know the extravagant hospitality of God’s love and grace.

As Christians, we are called to share the hospitality we have received.

Hospitality (July 12, 2009)


It is all too easy to see scarcity all around us. We never seem to have enough. Life in Christ offers a radically different view: God’s abundance overflows for the earth and all who make their home here.

We explore the Parable of the Sower, Psalm 24:1, and the call of Peter as lessons in abundant living.

Abundance (November 15, 2009)

1 of 10

Lives of those who are outcasts of society are transformed by Jesus proclamation of God’s extravagant and unconditional acceptance. 10 Samaritan lepers – rejected because of ethnic identity and rejected because of disfiguring disease – 10 are healed and Jesus proclaims them clean and acceptable to God and to the people of God.

Only one accepts a transformed life, returns to glorify God and express gratitude to Jesus.

Today we think of members of the gay community with aids. Rejected for their sexual orientation – rejected for their disease. How many return to the very church that has rejected them over and over again? We may understand the reasons that only one came back and glorified God.

1 of 10 (November 1, 2009)

Christian Response to Threat

“Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again.” So begins the 4th chapter of the letter of James.

We explore some answers to this provocative question by moving beyond James assertion that we start things out of our preoccupation with self. We explore basic and traditional Christian teachings regarding acting in defense.

We pray “Lead us not into temptation” that we not become the aggressor and the initiator of wars and quarrels. We continue to pray “deliver us from evil” that we not suffer when others sin against us. Who will part the red sea waters when we are under attack?

Fight or Flight (September 9, 2009)


We explore Confidentiality as the Stewardship of Information belonging to another and discover that this Christian discipline is far different from keeping secrets. The opposite of Confidentiality is Gossip – the sharing of information without regard or respect for the person about whom we are speaking.

As Christians, we always hold one another in high regard and seek the absolute best for the other. This is the nature of love.

Exploring confidentiality as holding another’s life in trust, we explore both the extent and the limits of Confidentiality.

Confidentiality (July 19, 2009)

Why Crucify Jesus?

Crucifixion was a form of execution preserved for those who fomented rebellion against Roman power and authority.

So … why crucify Jesus?

There were many ways that Jesus could have been removed from the public stage. There were even several ways to conduct an execution. But the scriptures are unanimous that Jesus was executed by crucifixion – a punishment reserved for those who lead political insurrections against Rome.

Following Mark’s passion narrative, we see that he was crucified precisely because his life and ministry stood as a direct challenge to both the religious and political establishment.

Why Crucify Jesus (April 5, 2009)

You Belong Here

No matter who you are or where you are on Life’s Journey, you are welcome here. But more than that, you belong here. You are an important part of the Body of Christ, a treasured and valuable gift of God. You are a member of God’s community and your membership is pure gift. You belong because you are a beloved child of God. It’s not because of anything you did; it’s not because you are anything special or particularly  special. You belong no matter what.

In this sermon, we explore the reality and blessing of “belonging” and “membership” in God’s beloved community, the Church.

You Belong Here (November 30, 2008)

Rejoice: the Secret of Happiness

Paul shares the secret of happiness in life. What is it that gives us reason to rejoice in all circumstances, to look on the sunny side of life. His words to the Church at Philippi, a message from his imprisonment in Rome as the end of his life approaches, are an antidote to depression and overwhelming negativity.

Rejoice: the Secret of Happiness (October 26, 2008)

Love that Flourishes


“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” The famous theologian and Christian Karl Bart once commented that this children’s song summed up the entire message of the Gospel. We explore how our lives reflect God’s love for us.


Paul opens this letter to the church at Phillipi by (a) proclaiming his own love for the people in this church, (b) noting and celebrating God’s love poured out upon this people, and (c) encouraging the followers of Jesus Christ to live their lives with the same kind of love.

Love that Flourishes (October 5, 2008)